We here look north from Fishkill Landing, a few miles above West Point on the Hudson. John Agg's related text tells us that, "this section of country...is a hallowed spot to the historian; and clothed in all the sublime grandeur of her own inaccessible majesty, where Nature attracts, yet mocks, the puny efforts of human art, the painter and the poet will ever find their worthiest and most attractive models. There is a remarkable stillness and beauty in the view...the artist has contrived...to throw a sort of summer expression over the contour of the picture, which is almost sensible to the touch. The air seems to glow with it, and the glossy surface of the stream to catch its languid tranquility. The spirit of repose and retirement infused into the cottage scene in the foreground and the refreshing contrast exhibited in the dark wood which stretches beyond it, are inimitably true to nature."
08 Jan 2025 11:20PM
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